My lovely wife decided to get me a PS Vita last week! After a week of play im very happy with it. the depth of colour and graphics make the original PSP really look like a grainy antique in comparison well done! My only peeve is that its got too many unneccesary apps like Maps etc. I dont like the menus touch screen bubble format its not as sleek as the original layouts adopted by the PSP and PS3.
This is essentially a personal preference some people might love it but to me it looks childish but its a gaming device I wont judge it on menus alone right! Now lets get to the games and media! Seems like Sony has learnt about the advantages of storage cards over mechanical UMD disks from the homebrewers! below is a conparison in size with other storage mediums from
Now onto my games!
Easily the funnest fighting (also violent) fighting game ever!
Batman in lego goodness Superman is the absolute bomb to use! Can't wait to finish this one and unlock more characters.

Being the Gundam fanboy you all know I am you'd probably expect me to rave about this one. The controls are just awful but fun nonetheless!
Of course being padantic about the conditions of my toys I have the Vita in a hard case and I have the screen protected. The hard case was a bargain from JB HiFi! This zip up case cost less than thirty dollars has snug cushioning, a belt clip, storage pockets and a neat flip wallet thingy which has enough slots to hold 16 games!
In conclusion to my post I sure hope that more good titles do come for this awesome piece of kit!