We seem to be getting a few Evangelion related posts this weekend. I was looking around and stumbled across this interesting piece of anime merchandise which I didn't know existed till now. Apparently there's an Evangelion watch project. There's a colour theme for each Evangelion unit too. There are a few hits on ebay the watch is rougly auctioning in at around the 400-500 dollar mark which is reasonable because it is manufactured by Seiko.
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Saturday, March 30, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
1/400 Evangelion? Yes please!
It has been a while since we had an announcement of new developments with the Evangelion pla model series. Among my early successful works, a time before I even considered painting I had all three of the main Evangelion units. I can still remember the bad colouring and the arms that were made of hard rubber!
So whats good and different about this one you may ask? First off, it's the first Evangelion model series to be to scale at 1/400 standing at roughly 19cm. Im excited to see from this mould that the articulation has increased. It leaves me wondering, what new gimmicks would they include? Rest assured Hiroki is here to keep you posted!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Unhealthy obsession- RG Destiny box art
OMG (prepares to facepalm myself) I am raving on about RG boxart again! With the pending release of the RG Destiny, I'm beginning to believe that there's a cospirancy behind these designs and that is to make me go gaga!
A few years back I built a MG Destiny in metallic colours, it was so fun! I'm actually interested in experiment with metallics again.
As for the pre release press images here we go!
A few years back I built a MG Destiny in metallic colours, it was so fun! I'm actually interested in experiment with metallics again.
Its been a while since I saw pics of this model as I ended up giving it to Kenji!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Action Toys EST-01 Tekkaman Blade
If there was a function called /throw money at screen this would be it! A while back I bought a diecast Tekkaman Blade release but was disappointed by it's limited poseability. Now this figure here I guess serves to fill in this Tekkaman void in my collection...
I have always been a fan of chibi models and figures and am loving the proportions on this gem. Now the task at hand is to see if Hobby Dream can get it.... Oh did I mention its also made of diecast metal!
I have always been a fan of chibi models and figures and am loving the proportions on this gem. Now the task at hand is to see if Hobby Dream can get it.... Oh did I mention its also made of diecast metal!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Mobile Suit Unicorn Episode Six: Two Worlds, Two Tomorrows Review
Ever since the first episode of Gundam Unicorn we had been following it closely. This episode began with a climatic opening where Angelo and Full Frontal made light work out of some Federation grunts and proceed to commandeer the Nehal Agama.
I have always loved the soundtrack amd use of colour in the Unicorn series. This episode dwelled less on action and had more focus on setting up for the finale. The coordinates of the Laplace Box has been revealed. Full Frontal is in conflict with Minerva (Audrey) and Bannagher. Both parties have different views to how the Laplace Box can be used whilst the Federation don't want the box opened at all.
In this episode you will find Angelo to be more annoying. Riddhe becoming emo and piloting the Banshee to the point that the improvement rate is exponential. Full Frontal reveals his agenda and appears to be more "Char-like" (This is actually good). As for Marida's development how should I say she becomes more human which doesnt kill from her charms at all! Audrey actually takes on a more active role and shows responsibilities as the leader of Zeon. Finally Bannagher, it is surprisingly by the end of the episode how manly he becomes. The sudden resolve is so surprising you would think woah is this the same wimp that the season began with!
By the end of the episode the Full Armour Unicorn makes its grand appearance and is prepared to confront the Banshee Norm piloted by Riddhe. I can't wait for the finale but at the same time a bit sad that this awesome series is also coming to an end.
Verdict- 8 Otakun helmets
- Full Frontal... and a taste of the pwnage to come!
- The characters having clear goals and agendas
- Marida Cruz
- The awesomeness of FA Unicorn
The Bad
- Angelo being annoying as always but at least his Rozen Zulu pwns on the battle field.
- Riddhe being redrawn as an emo
- The story slows down in this episode. There's only action at the start and end of the episode some can find this boring. As compensation the points that Full Frontal, Minerva and Bannagher bring up are quite interesting. But as a mecha anime fan theres no such thing as too many explosions!
Senran Kagura Review
We have come up with a new review system at ODU. The first anime on our list is Senran Kagura! Now that this anime has ended I would like to share how much I enjoyed it! Kenji wrote this one off as a tease anime but I continued on. Senran Kagura was presented in a 12 episode season format depicting the story of the feud between the Hanzou Academy and the Serpentine Academy shinobi training schools. The main characters from both schools have their own back story and character development has been generous for all characters which is pretty rare for anime titles with such a short running season.
Although "bouncing physics" and bikini clad shinobis are pretty weak for fan service the overall package is quite fresh, complete with ridiculuous shinobi techniques and plenty of moe to go around. If these are qualities you are after then don't look past Senran Kagura!
Verdict- 6.5 Otakun helmets
The Good
- Well developed characters (Loving Asuka).
- Nice fighting scenes.
- I loved how they got Hibari to experience life at Serpentine and let the viewers realise that the Dark Faction girls were actually misunderstood.
The Bad
- Very quick transition to final climax at episode eleven it still felt unfinished. The season finished with plenty of plot holes but these can be addressed with a second season.
- On a final note relatively weak fanservice but if that's what you are after you may as well stick with Queens Blade.
Aile Strike rocking it Louis Vuitton style
I have always appreciated the creative genius of kitbashers. I wonder what will come next Gucci, Armani? Combining fashion with model kits who would have thought this would work. Best of all it was made with a Perfect Grade kit!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Hot Toys Die Cast Iron Patriot
This is a design that has rubbed off on me recently. It doesnt follow canon as well as Iron Patriot was Norman Osborn! But who cares the figure is sick and there are so many possibilities for it! What I have in mind is to scrape off the Lt Cnl James Rhodes and replace it with Cpt Steve Rogers. Get a headsculpt and shield from Ebay and it would be the perfect soldier... Iron American, Or Iron Captain?
Edit: 24/3/12

Die Cast Mk42
Diecast Whiplash
Seems like going ahead Hot Toys will be making die cast Iron Man figures... Oh my poor wallet!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Banpresto Ichiban Kuji Super Saiyan Three Goku
Super Saiyan 3 has always been my favourite Super Saiyan form. With the release of God Vs God on the way I'm very happy to find out that new and improved Dragonball goodies are on the way! Hopefully a 1/6 sized figure from Hot Toys.... Hiroki your dreaming!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Valvrave initial thoughts
So this new anime is coming soon. The mecha action looks good, the girls look pretty kawaii but the blokes look like they can do with a burger :P The main character also looks like your typical whiney reluctant boy turned super ace pilot. I'm always curious about new mecha animes cant wait for April to come for me to sample this one.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
More Nostalgia!
We may as well call this Nostalgia March! I grew up watching Power Rangers. Tommy was my all time favourite ranger although his White Ranger uniform was my fav the green was bloody awesome too! Introducing the SH Figure Arts Kyouryu Sentai Zyuranger Dragon Ranger (official sentai title) or as i know it Mighty Morphin Green Ranger!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Happy Snaps-Ninja Turtle Nostalgia
One of the first action figures a 80s child will first touch would either be a Transformers toy or something Ninja Turtle related.
Although I played with both my Ninja Turtle collection was much larger. When I came across these today at Toys R Us I actually thought about the hours I spent playing with toys like this. These are new and improved with 30+ articulation points. It's great that a new generation can share these moments with their parents who also grew up with them.
Although I played with both my Ninja Turtle collection was much larger. When I came across these today at Toys R Us I actually thought about the hours I spent playing with toys like this. These are new and improved with 30+ articulation points. It's great that a new generation can share these moments with their parents who also grew up with them.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Neat Gundam signature
I was on a blog and saw this signature I thought it was quite cool so I thought I'll share it! Click to view :D
Friday, March 1, 2013
Full Armour Unicorn Debuts in the next installment of Gundam Unicorn
Looking sexy! I'm sure my friend Sharon will like this! I always disputed the name of the design I see no armour its just guns...lots of guns!
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